Thursday, March 16, 2017

NateOGDetroit! Interviews Detroit Verbal Marksme/ Producer/Engineer Extraordinaire Horatio The Best Man

.Whatupdoe, Now we have been building for almost two years and you are one of the dopest I know at your given craft. For those who may not be familiar with you and your work feel free to introduce yourself to the readers. Who are you? Where are you from? What you do?

I'm Horatio The The Best Man.  I'm a rapper, Producer and
Engineer.  I'm from Detroit Michigan and I'm from the Schoolcraft

2.Now Horatio The Best Man i kinda know the meaning behind your name but explain to the readers the
significance behind your artist/producer name and how it came about?

I've always been the go to person to most of my friends and I
assume that must give them good advice. Most of my friends say I am
wise and seem older than I really am.  In the story Hamlet the main
character Hamlet had a best friend who he could talk to about
anything.  This friend's name was Horatio.  He was the best man to go
to for advice.  This is how my name came about.  I'm usually the best
man to get advice from for my friends and for music engineering if you
ever hear my music quality.

3.What us your earliest recollection of music?

 I starting in the early 90's around 1990. Thats when I started
rapping. My parent splayed a lot of records form the 70's and all of
my uncles payed instruments.  So I play a few myself and that is the
reason for my soulful sound.

4.When did you fall in love with hip hop aka your brown sugar moment?

 I fell in love with Hip Hop and finally decided to rap when I
first heard "I used to love her" by Common Sense.  ALso the E-40
"Federal" Album had a major part in it too

5.Who are some of your influences and how have they influenced your signature style and sound?

My major influences are A Tribe Called Quest, MC Eiht, Eazy- E, AZ,
Dela Soul, 2 Pac, Master P, Slum Village, and so many more

6.When did you realize that you had a gift at music?

I first realized I had a gift when me and my Cousin Ruggedsun1 AKA
Killavolt started making beats and raps together at my Uncle's studio
on our own.  We used to make beats and record songs on the equipment.
This was in the 90's when there was no Protools and PC's yet.We were
did a few tapes back then and it went forward from there.

7.When did you decide to pursue your gift of music?

Around 1991 when I started rapping.

8.When did you start producing and being an MC, not to show age but what year did you start both?

 I starting rapping around 1991 and I started producing seriously
around the year 2000.

9. Now we are both from Detroit, What is the current music scene like at this moment?

Currently the music scene is really competitive to the point where
most artist don't even listen to each other because they are too busy
trying to out do one another.  It's kind of sad compared to other
cities where everyone helps each other get on.  Here it's like we all
want the same thing but nobody wants to help one another get there.
However we all never really make it anywhere technically.

10.What is the Beat Battle scene like at the moment?, congrats on making the cut for the March Madness Beat Battle.

I love the beat battle scene the most.  For the most part its a
close nit community and everyone knows one another.  It's a positive
atmosphere but sometimes, like in every city the politics come into
play and sometimes a name is all you need to get where you want to be.
Basically you have to really fight for your respect and your name to
be worth anything in this city.

11.How Do you define your signature sound as a Producer and MC?

 I think I my sound is mostly soulful like J DIlla or Pete Rock.
Since I play a few instruments I think I have a habit of making sure
my beats are music heavy and not so Naked like the music of today.
12. I believe that the anologue approach has a better sound naturally
but I feel that if the producer or engineer knows what they are doing
the same sound quality can still be accomplished.

12.What is your stance on the analogue vs digital debate as far as equipment for music production?

I believe that the anologue approach has a better sound naturally
but I feel that if the producer or engineer knows what they are doing
the same sound quality can still be accomplished.

13.Do you represent any companies or labels? If so how long have you been affiliated?

No Currently I am not on a label. I was a long time ago but I feel
that it is best for me to stay independent.  Especially since I
engineer for labels and a lot of artist who are signed to labels.

14. What does your lab consists of and how has it changed since you originally started?

I used a PC, a M-Audio Interface, a Presonus Pre-Amp, Presonus
Compressor, I Akai MPD 18, A E-MU Keyboard Controller, a KRK 10 inch
sub woofer, 2 KRK Rokit 5's, Reason 8, and Protools, and a mic

15. .Do you have any jewelz that you would pass along to new artist and producers?

I would say that you should make the music that fits you and not
what fits the crowd.  Try to sound like yourself instead of everyone

16.Any special thanks or shout outs? If so place them here!

'd like to give a shout out to my crew "The Underground
Engineers" and all of our affiliates.

19. Any thing we didnt cover if so feel free to do so here?

 f you are looking for engineering get with my. Most artists come
to me for mastering and mixing even though they are signed.

Instagram- Horatiothebestman
Facebook- Horatio The Best Man
Twitter- Horatio The Best Man