Saturday, August 31, 2019

NateOGDetroit! Interviews West Philadelphia Beatsmith WorldTor

1.Whatz good fam? I want to say thank you for blessing me with this ive only known you for a short time but i love your work. So feel free to tell the readers more about yourself. Who You Are? Where are you from? And What your given craft is that you do?

Awesome, thanks!    Hello my name is Worldtor I'm from West Philadelphia and i'm a beatmaker/producer 

2.Now Worldtor, thats a dope name. How did it come about? and What is the significance behind it?

I chose the name Worldtor because my middle name is Tor and i want to be known worldwide for my music.

3.What is your earliest recollection of music and how did it make you feel?

Born in the 60's i grew up listening to the soul 70's sound really loving most drum sounds and r&b vocals eventually i became a
MC then a DJ  and then beatmaker/producer.

4.Not to show age but how long have you been producing?

 I've only been producing a few years now but full steam ahead.

5.How do you feel about the analog vs digital debate as far as production?

'm very big on hardware
so muck that sofrware programs or daws kinda turn me off i just seem to be a hands on kinda guy

6.How do you feel about the e-digging vs traditional vinyl digging debate and which do you prefer?

I'm a e-digger simply because i dont use a turntable so no vinyl for me for now.  

7.What does your lab set up consists of and how has it changed since you first began producing?

I have 2 lab setups the first is in the dining room it consist of the mk1,  the mpd32,  the apc-40  Casio keyboard and a host of speakers and power.  the second setup is in the bedroom and it consist of Mk3,   M-Audio keystation,  Roland Sp-808,   Korg Super Drums   Novation Launchpad  Mackie mixerboard,   2 monitors    Pa sound system,  Zoom handycam for videos.    i started out with just the  Korg Super drums and a small keyboard and Fl Studio.  

8.What is your creative process when it comes to producing?

My creative process comes from various sounds that i hear daily in the hood or i my chop some samples from various records and then make the beat around them.

9.Do you represent any companies or labels? If so who are they and how long have you been affiliated?

he only company i represent right now is my beat group on  

10. What is about your production, that sets you apart from everyone else?

'm super big on sample chopping that seems to be my specialty.   i somewhat have a Old School sound i really love old school samples.

11.How do you define your signature sound?

i somewhat have a Old School sound i really love old school samples.

 12. What do you feel is the difference between a beat maker vs. Producer?

I feel the difference in a beatmaker and a producer is simple a beatmaker designs a beat add samples and gets creative the producer works the project from beginning to end including mixing and mastering and engineering.  That is definitely the difference

13.What is the local music  scene like where you currently reside?

Here in Philly the music scene is basically hiphop so that's what i hover over. My fav Genre is Boom Bap so i fit perfect in the hip hop culture.  

14. Does the local music scene affect what and how you create?

My fav Genre is Boom Bap so i fit perfect in the hip hop culture.  

15.Do you have any current projects out and if so, where can we find them?

 don't currently have any projects out right now but i make beats on the daily and have a library of music out of this world.

16.What are some of your future projects and which ones are you looking forward to most?

Now searching for future projects to create. 

17. Any shout outs or special thank yous? If so place them here?

 I would like to say thanks to the Big homie Frank Gates for guiding me in the right direction when i needed help with sample chopping he is a blessing.  Also giving shout outs to Chris Groove,  Doom da Wiz,  Petty seven on da track  for inspiring me with their productions i'm definitely on the way and not far behind

19.What is some advice that you would pass along to any aspiring producers?

 My advice to fellow beatmakers/producers is simply follower your dream and invest in your craft to the fullest. It might seem slow moving but slow progress is till good progress..

20.When did you realize you had a talent with music and when did you decice to pursue it?

 I realize i had musical talent in the 80's but did'nt pursue 

21.Any final thoughts for the readers?
I am a 54yr old producer and my craft makes me feel like a young teen.   GOD BLESSED.   Anyone interested in this type of craft  go hard or go home.