!.Whatupdoe Big Brother, Now we have known each other and building for a short time but I personally know that you are a veteran at what you do but for those who still are unfamiliar feel free to introduce yourself?
Whats good bro! First off thanks for having me, really appreciate the opportunity and exposure. Introduce myself… Man that’s always been hard for me because I do and I am capable of so much, I don’t mean to come of rude, and I understand how it could, but I normally end up asking real fast “WHAT DO YOU NEED” I guess im like a plug, not just the one on the wall, but you know the track one that you plug 6 or 7 different things into. Im sure most of what I do will come out later but in short I am a Entertainment Consultant, Co- Owner of a Marketing & Promotions Company and a DJ!
2.Now Uncle P you have been a staple in the Detroit Music scne for some time how did you get your start within the scene?
I am from Pontiac Michigan, and that’s where I got my start as a artist/Dj. Couple years after high school, dropping a single I decided it was time to make a move. Headed south to Atlanta where I went to school and got a Degree in Music Entertainment Management from the Art Institute of Atlanta. When I came back in the Mid 90’s the “ATL” had really started becoming a great hub for music. I saw a void in our scene which was radio support of the local artist community. I recognized this after releasing a few projects and not having the same kind of outlets that Atlanta had. After a few years running a label and consulting I went to a AM radio station dropped some bread to run my own show and started Local Luv Radio and www.localluv.com. It was then I really started hitting all the spots in Detroit letting the scene know they now have a outlet for their music to be heard. So I’d have to say Radio is how I got my start in the Detroit scene
3.how long have you ben involved with the local scene in Detroit not to show age but what year did you start?
I was a artist too but as a business person I would have to say 2001. I started hanging in the D slangin our music tho early 90’s. Im not ashamed of my age bro. Hip Hop has been good to me im 43 years young! LOL
4.What are some of you favorite moments in you career and what are some of your least favorite moments?
O wow, brother I honestly wouldn’t know where to begin. I have been so blessed. I have worked at every level of this industry, Retail, Promotions, A&R, Distribution, Radio, Live Shows. Bout the only thing I have not done is toured the county with an artist that has a top3 single. Ill tell you something. I worked for this one company, it happened to be owned by a guy that was mentioned in one of my most influential books that shaped me in this business “Hit Men” by Fredric Dannen. When I tell you I felt like I was living the life from the movie “Wolf Of Wall Street”. My experience in that company was one that some of my associates that have worked at the majors for years hadn’t had. Ironic how this ended up being one of the biggest let downs when it became apparent that we were truly just there to spend money, not be successful. It was the craziest year and a half of my life. I learned so much during that time from the dirty game on this industry to the dirty game in corporate America. WOLF OF WALL STREET IS SO REAL!!! Lol
5.Now Uncle P, i had the pleasure of participating in your Beat Street Beat battle last month, what made you decide to start these events and how has it been welcomed by the community?
My best friend is a producer. I have always been fascinated and been into the beats/music behind the lyrics. My cousin Moonchild asked me to come out to his homies beat battle. I have to give the credit to Robo Robb & Mixo. I just put a spin on the presentation of it and started promoting it. Im not gon lie, I think it was like 06 or 07 and the first 3 battles I didn’t have enough show up. I had it as a portion of a showcase, that 4th month at the “Monthly Mixer” we had 6 producers show up and it’s been on ever sense. I had built the brand well enough that Red Bull would come into the market with there “BIG TUNES” Producers battle, and they allowed me to place a contestant into there battle. This was huge because they were very selective about who they let in. So my battle became the WILD CARD opportunity. Shout out to No Speakerz They won our battle and turned around and made it all the way to the National finals where they loss to another native Detroiter “14kt”. As to how its been welcomed? I haven’t met anyone that has attended a beat battle say. I did not enjoy myself. That will tell you a lot right there. Its sometimes hard getting people in the building because they don’t really understand what it is. But trust me anyone who has been to one LOVED IT. I haven’t really felt the same energy that was there back when Red Bull was involved with the producers. I think however its coming back with companies like I Standard Putting it down across the country for producers. They gave us support for our annual March Maddness Beat Battle and are partnering with us their next trip to Detroit.
6.I heard House Shoes on a uk producer dvd mag called behind closed doors say that detroit doesnt care about detroit hip hop but from where you sit is this truth or just a half truth?
Shout out to my bro House Shoes. Id have to say yea it is truth when you talking about Detroit HIP HOP. I cant say the “CITY” of Detroit is really HIP HOP. The “CITY” of Detroit lends its ear to a more street sound. A sound that is pretty distinctive to the city. When it comes to fans that make noise, let it be known who they support and will ride around bumping your music religiously… yea its that sound from the block, the streets.
7. How do you feel about the Detroit Vs Everybody movement, it seems to be gaining a mixed reaction from certain artists in the scene?
No offense but we still talking about that? Lol Naw man but for real. What I hated…. Is that everybody and they momma felt they had to do one too. Kinda like the Dej “Try Me” record, that really bugged me. If I want to hear that joint let me hear Dej and what she put out for the first remix. I just hate to see so many people put time into stuff like that when they should be in the kitchen cooking up they own hit record. But then they turn around and say “Awww mann it aint take no time, I did that real quick for some fun” Well you know what let me know when you get serious and you want to make your own original record a hit across the country. That’s when it will be worth my time. The Gear is cool though, im waiting to see what the creators next products will be.
8.How do you feel about the current state of the music scene in Detroit the last few years a few hometown favorites have been getting on from big sean to Dej Loaf and Doughboy Cashout what are your thoughts on it currently cuz it kinda seems like to get put on from Detroit you need to get out the city to build your buzz due to lack of exposure and labels within the city?
I mean music is global, and in this day and age we have and abundant of choices for EVERYTHING. If you want to be successful you will need a lot more support than just Detroit. As I said earlier, the voice of the city, the one that speaks up is the streets, so that’s who you will often hear the most about, IE Doughboy Cashout, Vezzo ect. Sometimes you just got to take the music where its accepted and grow from there.
9.You run the dopest of all sites Detroit Rap.com how long has it been established and how did the concept come to you?
Thanks I appreciate that. I bought detroitrap.com with a homie of mines. I was a user ofdetroitrap.com when the only relevance it had was a message board, before Myspace, before Face Book, we kicked it on message boards. It was how I did a lot of promotion for localluv radio. Back then folk didn’t really understand internet radio, not everyone had speeds high enough to enjoy the experience. The owner of Drap put it up for sale after he had run it in the ground, offended everyone on the scene, was the ground for many house call ass whoopings. It was in the gutter and no one respected it. So I saw it as a opportunity to make a change. And that’s what we did. Took all the drama out and made it what it should be and that’s the Detroit Hip hop scene. There were a lot of people mad because they enjoyed that negativity. But our city deserved so much better than that. I guess I bought it around 2005. Damn, you know what. I think this maybe our 10 year anniversary! THANKS BRO!!! lol
10. Tell me more about the Detroit Underground Music Awards that you sponsor, Im actually working on getting Nominated for Producer of the year Next Year but how long has it been running and how did it come about?
The real name of the event is the “Underground Hip Hop Awards” that was presented by Detroitrap.com and SP Marketing & Promotions. I did my first awards show back in 2010. It was called the Detroit Peoples Choice Awards. The event was a success, but it really took its toll on me in the amount of division it created in the scene and with me personally. I was trying to fill a void once again because I felt it was so many more deserving artist that should be recognized that the other award show in town turned they back on. I never played the politics and because I didn’t it kind of left me on the outskirts. I felt like this year it was time. Time to get back in the saddle, and make it happen. There is so much more to this awards show that you will see in the future. There is a much bigger picture that you will see over the coming years.
2. What do you think todays new artist are missing most, about how they handle the business aspect of being an artist etc?
Originality, don’t stand for nothing but money. No purpose. Its like everybody want to be they own boss, but none of them know how to run the business. At the end of the day its very hard for a record company to make money and not screw their artist. This is why the artist need to educate themselves or get people in there corner that understand the business. Then the artist needs to understand that these people if they are good at what they do don’t work for free. But its so hard to make money because the value of music has gone to next to nothing. So where is the pie to split? Worry about FANS not your peers or other artist. I could go on for days man! Lol
13. How do you feel in general about the music industry as whole, what are your likes and what do you think need to be improved?
The music industry is a different animal now. The revenue streams have changed, old guards are falling down to new ones, and I see to many artist worrying about things other than fan building and making great music to feed there fans. If you are truly talented and you have the right kind of attitude that makes talented people want to help you. You can go far if you deal with folk who know what they are doing. And yes part of the plan requires money. As long as you ignore that elephant in the room you will get stuck and wonder why you just cant get to that next level. I feel the internet has made us very lazy.
14. Do you see Detroit ever regaining the limelight how they did in the Motown era, I heard Ma Dukes aka Ms Yancey saying that she sees here company as being the forerunners of the New Motown Era last year on Core radio with DJ Butter?
No I don’t, the Motown era was NEW! I MEAN NEW! It REVOLUTIONIZED THE MUSIC GAME! It was the introduction of when Black artist all but turned the music industry on its head. This business is to old to see that kind of impact again. I see Ma Dukes company that will shine a Beacon of light that will forever have Detroit in its flame. But her sound and vision is so much bigger than Detroit its global. No dis to Detroit at all. But we love our city til the wheels fall off of it, and we don’t want you to change a thang! We build the best here, from cars to stars and everything in between
]15. How do you define the Detroit Music scene as far as hip hop, I was told theres three different styles of hip hop, but how would you classify it?
You got the streets, and then you got everything else. Me personally I like the Everything else better than I do most of the street, thats because im hip hop to my soul. The issue is the Everything else just has to find they place. Its out here trust that because its some great music. It just may not be the CITY of Detroit.
16.I understand you do some consulting with artist producers and labels, how long have you be doing consultation and who are some of the people you have been developing career wise?
Ive been consulting for almost 15 years now. I wish I could tell you someone major but I cant. Been close a few times. But due to the nature of this business its very rare that all the stars line up together. I prefer to stay deep behind the scenes unless its my brand. I like to say I build leaders. I give my LEADERS all the credit because they have to have “it” for me to build onto and mold it. So ill just say this, if you happen to see me around somewhere, it’s a good chance im there for a reason!
17.Do you represent any companies and or labels if so feel free to tell e ore about them and how long have you been affiliated?
I represent Detroitrap.com and SP Marketing & Promotions. I am starting my next venture which is URBAN AMBIANCE RADIO. A internet radio station that will play only instrumental music. Pretty much everything else im doing falls under one of those companies.
18. Do you have any jewels for aspiring artists and producers?
Don’t wait for someone else to do what you can do for yourself. So many talented people never get there shot because they are lazy and rely strictly on their talent alone. Understand that just because your not signed to a label doesn’t mean your business does not need to be handled. Somebodies got to do it, and with the small profit margins in music you may as well do it yourself until you have enough revenue coming in to hire someone.
19.Do you have any special thanks or shout outs?
Id like to thank God for allowing me to live the life ive had and what he has in store for me in the future. Id like to thank all the people who have allowed me to help them and those who have helped me on this journey in the music industry
20.How can we stay connected to you to show support?
You can follow me on facebook at unclep313, Twitter @unclep and @detroitrap Instagram @detroitrap And as always on the site detroitrap.com. Check out the stories, if you like them feel free to share them on your own social network.